You won’t find long lectures or pop quizzes in our workshops. Everything we do is based on an experiential approach to education. Participants experiment by doing something intuitively (a game, a role play, a simulation), then examining their results together, reflecting on what factors affected their outcomes, and determining what they might want to change or try the next time around. This experiential method creates a more profound connection to and understanding of key concepts. It also gives each participant a personalized journey into new ideas and tools to which they can connect their own outlooks and lived experiences, whatever their backgrounds or points of view.
We uncover assumptions and preconceptions that shape how we negotiate with others, helping participants to name their assumptions, identify more enabling ones, and foster a mindset of growth and possibility.
We build key life skills for effective problem-solving and communication, practicing and learning to apply new skills with practical tools.
We develop foundational knowledge of relevant theory and create a shared vocabulary to support effective negotiation and communication.

PATHWAYS programs REVOLVE around a progression of experiential learning cycles supported by a process of FACILITATED DISCOVERY, connection and experimentation. Participants learn by doing, reflecting, and then constructing new conceptual frameworks and practicing skills together.