Earlier in the year we partnered with a dedicated group of 10 lead teachers from 10 Darca schools and led them through a five-part program where they gained experience in how to incorporate experiential negotiation skills into their English language classrooms. They subsequently had a total of 115 of their students participate in an engaging and interactive workshop in which they discovered foundational concepts of problem-solving negotiation through interactive exercises, role plays, and games – while meeting and working with fellow Darca students from a partner school representing a different social sector.
Darca Schools, well-known pioneers in innovative education throughout the socio-geographic periphery in Israel, are aiming to adopt a nationwide negotiation program across their entire school network. Their goal is that every high school student attending a Darca school will come across negotiation skills and an abundance of global leadership skills throughout their learning journey. We applaud their tenacity and commitment to providing groundbreaking opportunities for their students and staff, and we’re incredibly proud to partner with Darca to work toward this common goal.