PATHWAYS launches partnership with GALMUN to help build principled, problem-solving negotiation skills for Model United Nations delegates

PATHWAYS is pleased to announce the launch of a partnership with Galilee Model United Nations (GALMUN), a leading Model United Nations conference hosted by St. Joseph Seminary & High School-Almotran in Nazareth in cooperation with Retorika for Multiculturalism. 

Hosted at the Golden Crown Hotel in Nazareth, GALMUN brings students from different backgrounds together for a two-day Model United Nations experience, helping them to become global citizens and exposing them to significant local and global issues.

The GALMUN Experience

Participants conduct research at a high level, improve their public speaking skills and develop their English beyond classroom settings. Delegates are invited from Grades 10-12, accompanied by an advisor.


PATHWAYS launched a Negotiation Skills Committee as a unique skill-building track of GALMUN.

Participants selected for the Negotiation Skills Committee take part in an intensive, participatory two-day workshop run by PATHWAYS in which they learn a framework for problem-solving negotiation based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation Project. The workshop revolves around engaging simulations, high-stakes multi-party negotiations, and interactive exercises, equipping participants with essential concepts, skills and tools to be effective delegates and leaders at future MUN conferences.

Learn more about the PATHWAYS mission

Avi Goldstein

Avi is Founder and International Executive Director of PATHWAYS.