PATHWAYS completes 2016-2017 Game Changers program with over 640 students in 32 schools in wide range of communities across Israel

PATHWAYS completed its 2016-2017 academic year Game Changers program with 32 schools across Israel, paired into 16 duos. Over 640 high school students (20 per school) took part in a transformational two-day negotiation skills workshop, meeting and learning a problem-solving approach to negotiation, in English, with students from another school and background. The program was supported by the U.S. Embassy…


PATHWAYS launches inaugural year as registered non-profit with Game Changers workshops in 16 schools with over 320 students

PATHWAYS launched its inaugural year as a registered non-profit with a series of Game Changers workshops with 16 high schools (8 pairs) across Israel, representing a diverse cross-section of communities.Over 320 students (20 per school) participated in experiential two-day workshops - one day hosted by each school in a pair - in which they discovered and applied a problem-solving approach…